Main Ayurveda Based Treatments

Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis)

Vamana treatment is targeted to expel increased Kapha Dosha out of the body.

For expelling Kapha

When Kapha dosha gets increased, it causes certain types of diseases – such as cold, cough etc.
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Virechanam (Therapeutic Purgation)

Virechana treatment is targeted to expel increased Pitta Dosha out of the body.

For expelling Pitta

When Pitta dosha gets increased, it causes certain types of diseases – such as abscess, liver disorders, gastritis etc.
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Nasyam ( Nasal Medication)

Nasya treatment means putting nasal drops to relieve nasal congestion,

Nasya in Ayurveda

“Oushadham oushadha siddha sneham va nasikayaam deeyate inti nasyam”. It means, procedure where the medicated drugs or oils are administrated through the nostrils.
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Vasti ( Medicated Enema)

Techniques of thorough detoxification and overhauling the body,

The Enema therapy

This specific therapy aids greatly in balancing and combating the vitiated Vata dosha or the Air body humor, which alone is responsible for 80 types of diseases and disorders.
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Rakta Mokshana (Bloodletting)

Raktamokshana is one of the Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatments or the 5 basic techniques of detoxification.

To let out blood

It is made of two words - Raktha i.e. blood and Mokshana i.e. to leave, and combining both these words makes the word Rakthamokshana
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The 5 treatments in combination

Purifying and Rejuvenating

Panchakarma eliminates accumulated impurities from the mind-body physiology; it is essentially a detoxification program.
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About Talapuully

Since ancient days Ayurveda has been a unique system of medicine of India.

The lifestyle mentioned in Ayurveda is essential for the complete mental and physical health of every individual even in the modern era.

Kerala is famous for several ayurvedic treatments and medicines. There is a long tradition of practice of Ayurveda that is unique to Kerala. The recent pandemic has shown us the importance and effectiveness of Ayurveda.

Talapuully Ayurveda has been serving the society for the past 12 decades and is part of this tradition of Ayurveda. Established in 1897 by LATE SRI TALAPUULLY KRISHNAN VAIDYAR.

The legacy was carried forward by his son late Sri Ramankutty Vaidyar, then to this day by Dr Krishna Mohan who is the SENIOR PHYSICIAN at TALAPUULLY AYURVEDA. The blessing has now reached the fourth successor of the tradition in the hands of Dr Shine Mohan T.

By Integrating the ancient AYURVEDA MARMA THERAPY with the modern Osteopathy and Chiropractic  philosophies , Dr Shine Mohan T has designed a unique treatment protocol to help treat musculoskeletal conditions UNDER THE BANNER SPINE AND JOINTS CLINIC.

Philosophy of Marma

The Energy Centers

According to Marma science, the human body is not a solid stable material, structure, but an ever changing, dynamic collection of energy and intelligence in the larger field of energy and intelligence in the universe.

As the body is alive and pulsating with energy, there can be innumerable "energy centers" within it and upon the surface of the body. Marma manuscripts have described 1008 important varma points are being in action, and in which 108 points are very significant than others. The points are the centers for encircling in energy to the each and every movement of life.

These are considered as the activating centers of human body. The particular junctions are also described as energy stagnating or concentrating centers, which are used to distribute the energy wherever it is necessary, where the energy even potentially stable it synthesized from disturbed centers.

Reflex Centers (Adankals)

The distressing of a center also be released by using this energy, and hence the points are called as reflex centers (Adankals) How the energy forms inside the body is a miserable secret. As the quantum mechanism, the sharing of energy vibration starts from a particular points to an unknown points which are even being in the universe to a vast distance.

The air absorbed from the outer is collectively purified in the lung cavity by transferring carbon dioxide to oxygen and is taken to the cells through the blood circulation, where a particular amount of oxygen is absorbed, and the rest of the amount, which is escaped from the circulation to the energy channels to naadi as Pranakalai. The pranic energy encircled in some particular centers is called as Marmam or Marma points. High amount of energy encircles in 12 centers, are called Padu varmams, where from the energy is distributed to 96 points they are called as Thodu Marmams. The movements or flow happens to the cach and every breathing, and is also renewed with the stable energy the 4 angulas is stable calculation according to Marma science. What is the four and twelve, eight and six teen, these are the significant secrets of Marma science.

The breath absorbed from nose to olfactory centers is 12 angulas and the olfactory to uvula 4 angulas.

The collective length is 16 angulas in which the nose to throat is eight angulas. Also on practical Marma yogam the sixteen angulas are the pranic energy flow from the Uvula to higher centers of the brain where meet the breaths, has been taking throughout the life in a particular junction of interior part of the brain. This junction is considered as sustaining center for energy during the deep medita tion. This can only understand from deep transcended meditation. A stalwart of Marma science only can interpret this clearly to his disciples.

The energy transformation as prana vaayu starts from lungs through blood to cells are the mate rial scene of circulation, and while the second level filtering energy which passes in to the channel of energy the naadis also happens from 10 points in the physical body are called energy or vanyu generating centers. And the second level circulation, which supports the mind it, can be revived by trance meditation only. The third level body is the life with Aathma is not clearly versed, but all are consid ered being alive in the physical body.